Friday, March 15, 2013

The signs of Autism

So many people ask how they can know if their kid suffers from Autism without going to an specialist, here are some signs that  autistic children give: 

  • Playing inappropriately with their toys. 
  • They are unable to communicate with others. 
  • Inappropriate laughing and crying. 
  • Strange conection to some kind of objects. 
  • Poor or lack of eye contact. 
  • Oversensitive or undersensitive to be touched. 
  • Dislike changes in their routine.
  • Lack of awareness of danger. 
  • Passiveness or hyperactivity. 
  • Spins objects. 
  • Don't express their needs. 
  • Inappropiate or no response to sounds. 
  • Insensitivity to pain. 
  • Echoes words and phrases.
For more information: 

What causes Autism?

Autism is caused by a neurological disorder which affects the brain normal fuction directly, but knowing the exact cause of this disorder is almost impossible because of how complicated our brain is. Our brain has over 100 billion nerve cells  called neurons, each neuron may be conected to thousands of other nerve cells located in specific areas in our brains, areas that give us the abilty to speak, move, feel, see, smell, remember, etc.  For some reason,  some of the cells and conections in children's brain who suffer from this don't develop correctly and get damaged; especailly those that affect communicacion and emotions.  Science is still trying to understand why and how this happens. Some doctors think that children who relatives had this disorder are more likely to have it. 

What is Autism?

 Austism, also known as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a brain disorder which makes children develop is such a different way than normal children do, in areas as communication and reactions to certain situation.. For example, if someone smiles, normal children would assume that the person is happy or just being nice to them, but a kid with autism wouldn't have any idea of how even the person is feeling because of their problems connecting a person's facial expressions with  the person's feelings.  

For children with autism it's hard to link words with their meanings, ,so it's very difficult for them to express themselves correctly, even  to put the right worlds together in order to say something logic, for this reason they usually can't communicate without special help. They can't keep information for a long time, that's why they need special education as well. Also, very gentle sounds may sound as the loudest and scariest sound ever. Most of children who suffer this disoder don't even like being touched; they may only let their relarves touch them. In USA, over 500,000 children suffer from autism or a very similar brain disorder. 

For more information: